Saturday, 17 March 2012

Let the Fun Begin

Sunday was my first day to attend church.  It was good.  There is lots of singing from the kids and adults.  I just love to listen to them sing.  They have such joy.  Because Joanie and I were there a lot of the service was done in English so that we could get something out of it.  Normally it would not be.  It was nice for them to show that kind of consideration.  After church we had a chance to go to Irugu’s (He works at PACE) parent’s house.  Back in Canada the ride to their house would take a half hour.  Well it took over an hour due to the road conditions.  I don’t think I can ever explain what they are like but just know that I was glad to get out of the vehicle when we got there.  We were driving a Rave 4 type vehicle.  There was two adults and to children in the back seat and two adults with a 3 year old on the drivers lap.  No danger at all.  That is called driving Kenya style.  One of the main reasons for going was to give Irugu’s dad a hear device that Joanie was given in Canada while she was home.  His dad has not heard well for a very long time.  You would have to yell right beside him for him to hear.  It was so amazing to watch as he put this device on and to watch him be able to talk to people across the room.  I felt very blessed to be a part of it.  While there I also got to hold a one month old baby.  It was a joy.  The parents also have orange and lemon trees.  We got to pick and take some home.  Nothing like having them right off the tree.

On Tuesday I started my first day at PACE.  My hours will be from 8-5.  The first day was very busy and I just dove into what was asked of me.   For the first few weeks we will figure out what my schedule will look like and were I may spend my time.  As I had predicted I think it will take some time to adapt to the way things are done.  I am no longer working in a structured office setting.   I will have to show much patients as I learn.  I have also spent some of my time helping in the kitchen helping.  Washing dishes, sorting through beans and rice for stones before they can be made.  It is very tedious work but there is good fellowship that can happen while you are doing it.  It also helps to understand what they need to do every day.  I have also helped to serve the lunch to the kids.

Friday night I spent the afternoon and evening with the youth for a praise and worship time.  It was so great to be with a couple hundred youth singing and praising God.  Their singing is amazing.  It was a late night but I was glad to be able to spend the time with them.

It has been a busy week and I am feeling more and more at home as time passes.  I have attached a few pictures.  One of me holding the baby and the other is pictures of the main street in the town nearby.

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