Monday, 30 April 2012

Another Blessed Time

This weekend for Saturday and Sunday I had an opportunity to go with Wachira and 50 of the kids from his church to Naivasha for some fun time away.  It is about 1 ½ hours away.  We stared out at 8:00 and did not get there until 12:30.  Let’s just say that there was lots of stops that needed to be made along the way.  We would normally have the food we were taking purchased before we left.  In this case it was not so we had to make a few stops to pick up what we needed.  In Naivasha we stayed at a church.  Once we got there the kids unpacked there things and put them in the rooms they were sleeping in.  The girls slept in one big room and the boys in the other on the floor.  Wachira and myself were going to stay and a close by guest house for the night.  Once the kids were unpacked we headed to a local park that had a swimming pool for the kids to go swimming.  I was reminded again how much joy is brought to these kids with not much effort made.  We were at the pool for almost two hours.  Even though the kids were cold in the water the wanted to be swimming.  We headed back around 3:00 for lunch.  This consisted of Ugali (flour and water cooked), cabbage and some meat in broth.  I had a little Ugali with broth on it (gives it some taste) and some cabbage.  After lunch we went to the local market to purchase some sugar cain for the kids to have later.  I had never tried it before.  It was good but I thought it would taste sweeter than it did.  Once it was purchased we headed to Lake Naivasha.  It is a beautiful area that is surrounded by animals which included giraffes and wildebeests.   The kids went to see the lake and then we eat the sugar cain did some walking and then headed back to the church.  Supper still needed to be made.  As a treat they were making Chapatti for all the kids.  They wanted them to have two each which meant over one hundred needed to be made.   As you may remember from my other blog and the way they are made it is not a quick process.  So I joined the efforts in rolling them out.  It was good to help.  Myself and Wachira had something to eat around 8:30 as we need to be at the guest house by 9:00.  Along with the chapatti we had beans and cabbage.  Once we were done we head to the guest house for the night. 

On Sunday we were at church.  Frist was the English service and then the Kiswahili service.  It total I was in church from 9:00 to 2:00.  After church we had lunch (beans, cabbage and rice) and then headed home.  There was a bus and van that brought everyone.  On the way down I was in the bus but on the way home I was in the van.  We started off good.  Then when we were just coming into the first town we got a flat tire.  So it was changed and the spare was put on which was not a real tire.  Once that was done we carried on in hopes that the tire would make it.  We were going along smoothly when we heard something dragging.  We pulled over and took time to “fix” what was dragging.  Again we started driving in hopes that nothing else would go wrong.  As we got closer to home we saw that they had lots of rain.  When we turned on the road to PACE we discovered that it was flooded over.  So then a decision had to be made.  Do we try and take some back roads which would take longer and could be worse or do we try and drive through it.  I could see people walking through it and it was knee high.  They decided to drive through it.  I have some good video it.  We made it with little issue but I was not sure.  It was a good weekend and another experience that I will not forget especially as my time is drawing to an end in four weeks.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

God's Goodness

This weekend I had an opportunity to spend in Nairobi.  We left early Friday morning and arrived there around 9:30.  Our first stop was at a place called village market.  It is a big mall that also hosts a Masai Market.  Masai is one of the tribes here in Kenya.  The market is huge with lots of vendors.  One thing to know about these types of markets is that when they see white skin they really want your business and will do what they can to get it.  They can be in your face and come to you requesting that you come and see their goods.  The first lesson is not to touch anything unless you are interested in buying it.  If they see you looking or touching they will really incest that you buy.  When I was first there it was going fairly well but after about 40 mins I was done and needed a break and I had not seen everything.  I took a break had some lunch and then Joanie and myself headed back in.  We spent about another 40 mins going through the market.  Everything is also bartered.  And that part is exhausting in itself and they can give you many stories about how they need to feed their families.  Once we were done we met up with Joanie’s friend for supper.  She was also the person we were going to be spending the weekend with.
Saturday morning we were up and going early to visit the Nairobi National Park.  It is a park that you drive through and hope to see some animals.  There had been sightings of lions the day before so we were hoping to be able to see them.  We started off slow with not seeing too much.  Then we came a pone three female lions and one male.  They were not that fare from the road.  It was so amazing to see them up close.  We sat there for some time and then they got up and moved.  We only drove a short distance from there and we came a pone two more male lions that were on the road.  It was amazing.  One come over and sat right beside our car.  He was so beautiful.  We drove a little further and saw some giraffes.  These are my favourite.  In total we saw about 5 of them.  It was great.  On the way out of the park we reflected on how wonderful God’s creation really is and all that he has made.
From there we went to the elephant orphanage.  This is a place that was started by a couple many years ago.  They take in baby elephants that have been left due to losing their mothers either to natural causes or from poachers.  They are taken in and cared for 24 hours a day.  They have keepers that stay with them even while they sleep.  Most of the elephants are fairly depressed when they come in as they morn their loss.  At fours years old they start the process of putting them back into the wild.  We spent about an hour there as they brought out the elephants and told us the story of how they got to be with them.  Once again it was amazing to be a part of the wonderful things that are being done in this country.  This place also currently has two rhino’s that are staying with them.  One they are working with to be put back into the wild.  The second one is blind and will spend the rest of its life there as it would not survive in the wild.
When we were done there we had some lunch and then went to the giraffe centre.  This is a place that you can go to and have a chance to feed the giraffes.  If you are also brave enough you can put the food in your mouth and have them give you a kiss as they take the food.  I was brave enough.  It was so cool to be this close to them and to see more of their beauty.
After spending some time there we moved on to our last spot for the day.  It was a show were they do many different tribal dances.  The music and dancing was amazing.   There was also a group that did acrobats.  They were really amazing.  The show lasted almost two hours.  It was good to see some more of the culture.
Then we treated ourselves to pizza made in a wood heated oven.  It was a good end to a great day.  We reflected many times on how wonderful God’s creation was and on how all the details have been put together for great purpose.
On Sunday we attended church in the morning.  It was more of a western style service.  It was good to be able to sing along with the songs as it was all in English.  I have not done that since I got here.  It was a blessed time and I was glad to be able to have had the opportunity to worship there.  When church was over we had some lunch and then headed home.
Though it was a busy weekend and we were tired by the end it was a great to be able to take the time to do these things and to see more of this country.  God is good.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18


Thursday, 19 April 2012


I had a chance to spend time with Two High School girls that are currently on break from school.  They live very close to where I am staying.  On Tuesday we walked to town.  It was about a 50 min. walk.  The way there went very well.  We had good conversation and they had questions for me about Canada.  When we got to town we made a few stops.  They wanted to show me a few things in town including were they make coffins.  Which is a shop on the street and they are out on display.  Very odd for me but not for them.  Then we went down town to get some fruits.  I got some for us and then told them to get some for their family.  Then we went for something to eat and drink.  We made one more stop at the store to get some ingredient for chapatti which is like flat bread here.  It is very good.  Then we started the trek home.  The walk home was a little harder for me anyway.  The sun was getting hot and well I am lazy.  Once we got back to their house the Mom was not home so they went to get her.  They insisted on making me a fried egg and some hot chocolate.  You don’t go visit without them giving you something.  It is hard to take but it would be more rude to turn it down.  Since I am not able to have milk in my tea like they do I got the hot chocolate.  They asked if I wanted sugar in it and I said no.  They just could not believe it.  They put sugar in any hot drink and a lot of it.  I told them that there was already sugar in it but they still could not believe that I would have it without.  After being there for a while I head back to the house.  It was a good day and felt very blessed to be able to spend the time with them.  I am looking forward to spending more time with over the next two weeks while they are off.

I also had a chance with the girls to make Chapatti.  It is like a flat bread and very easy to make.  So I went over to their house to help them make some.  It was a lot of fun.  They were very impressed on what I was making.  I think they were more impressed that a white person could make them.  It was good to be with them again.  They have one more week off before they head back to school so I am hoping to have more time with them again next week.  The one thing that is odd for me here is that you can sit in a room with a Kenyan and say nothing for hours.  This is okay and comfortable for them.  After making the Chapatti we sat for some tea (I had hot chocolate) and said nothing.  5 minutes seems like a long time.  One thing that is hard for me to get used to but I keep telling myself that just being with them is all they ask and that is easy when I try and remember that.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


On Sat. I was at an African wedding.  It was an experience I will not forget.  I was there to help Joanie take pictures.  We started off at the bride’s house and took some pictures while she got ready.  She stayed in her room so that no one could see her.   There were 22 in the wedding party so there were lots of people to get ready.  The wedding was to start at 10:00.  They were still getting ready at 10:00.  Then all of a sudden there was cars coming to the house with their horns honking and women singing.  That was the sign that everything was about to get started.  Everyone but the wedding party left the house.  There is a gate into the house grounds.  On the other side of the gate the ladies were singing that they wanted to get the bride to go.  On the house side the ladies were saying it is not time yet.  This went on back and forth for about 20 – 30 mins.  Finally the outside ladies were let into the grounds.  Then they continued to sing at the door of the house that they wanted to see the bride.  Finally the bride came to the door.  They had a prayer with her and then walked to the vehicle that was going to take her to the church.  Because the ground is dirt they placed a blanket on the ground so that her dress would not get dirty.  A tradition as they travel to the church is to have a pickup truck drive in front of the bride’s vehicle and take pictures along the way.  Well this job was mine.  I stood in the back of the truck and took pictures of the vehicle all the way to town were the church was.  It was about at 10 – 15 ride.  It was a very interesting drive.  Not only were people watching the event on the way there was a white person taking the pictures.  We arrived at the church and the wedding got started at noon.  That is two hours after it should have.  The service went until about 1:45.  After the service we spent time taking pictures of the couple with everyone with any connection to them.  So that took some time.  Then we headed over to the place they were going to have the reception which was only a few minutes away.  Once we got there we waiting for the wedding party to get there to take more pictures.  Once that was done around 3:30 they started the dinner.  Most of the people that had come and were waiting for the couple to get there had already eaten.  The reception was outside with tents for shelter.  The wedding party danced themselves around before sitting at their table to eat.  They did not have much time to eat before they had to get up to receive gifts that people had brought.  Those that had gifts brought them to the front and were each given to the couple.  Once that was done they cut the cake.  They fed each other a piece.  Then they shared some with each other’s side of their family’s and then some for Joanie and me.  Once that was done we took a few more pictures and then it was pretty much done.  We left around 5:30 happy to have been a part of the celebration but ready to rest.  Joanie and I went for something to eat when we left and I have attached a picture of me holding another baby.  There just seems to always be one around.

On the Sunday we had an opportunity to go to Nairobi for two days to attend a church conference of one of the local pastors.  It was defiantly a different experience then I have ever been a part of.  The worship style was very charismatic.  It defiantly opened my eyes to see God work in many different ways including in my own life.  It was exciting to see and feel God move is such a new way.  It was defiantly a highlight on my time here.

I also had the opportunity to attend two pastors’ prayer meetings.  It was good to be a part of.  Once you go over getting up at and out the door by 6:15am it was a wonderful way to start the day.  There is nothing like praising God first thing in the morning with other people.

Well the rain has really come which is such a joy here.  I usually try and get this blog up by Sat. but due to the heavy rain we had most of the day and between the hydro being out and the internet down it has been delayed.  We have been very fortunate to have not experienced too much delay due to hydro being down.  It has been kind of nice but I am told that is not the norm.

You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you.  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  Psalm 118:28-29

Saturday, 7 April 2012

New Friends

One of the sayings in Kenya is that nothing is broken.  Everything can be fixed or used for some other purpose.  This is not just a saying it is true and I continue to see it in action.  Joanie’s fridge had stopped working while she was gone so when we first got here a new one needed to be purchased.  What do you do with the one that is not working?  Well you use it for storage in your home.  So a Kenyan was very happy to take it to their home for that reason.  The cord on my cell phone charger had some exposed wires so it was not working.  We would just go get a new one.  Here someone takes it for 10 minutes buts the wire’s back wraps it in tape and it is good to go.  Joanie’s cell phone was not working when she returned.  She was told in the US that she needed to get a new one.   Again it was with a Kenyan for 15 minutes and it has worked just fine ever since.   We so easily through things out at home and buy a new one when most of the time if the effort is taken it could be fixed or used in some other way.

I was able to visit some of the outreach organizations that PACE works with. The first one I went to was Victory Nursery school.  This is a nursery school that is located in one of the major slums just outside the town that I am in.  It is run by a pastor and his wife.  They live right there and teach to kids ages 3-5.  They have about 75 kids that are taught in two rooms.  There are school fee’s required for this kids (about $3 a month for us) but if the kids are not able to pay that is fine they are still welcome to come.  These kids love when white people come.  I spent a good 15 – 20 minutes playing with them as they swarmed around me wanting to hold my hand or arm whatever they could get a hold of.  So as you can imagine I turned it into a tickle session.  It was a great time.  After being there we went to another school just up the road.  This one was set up by another pastor that works with a tribe that is getting smaller.  These kids were much different than the first ones.  None of them wanted to come and talk to me.  Within their tribe they are taught not to talk to anyone.  So the visit was short but I got see their classroom and talk with the teacher a bit.  There are about 50 kids ranging from 2 ½ to 10 and they are all taught together in one room with just chairs.  The teacher has a one year old girl that she carries on her back while she teaches.  They are in class from 8 – 1 every day.  I also spent some time at Goshen which is located about 15 min’s from home (but takes 30’s due to road conditions).  There a local pastor has sent up a location for the elderly that meet twice a week to worship and be fed porridge.  They meet at 11:00 and finish around 1:00.  Some of the elderly that meet start walking at 7:00am in order to be on time.  They come from very far.  They had a time for prayer requests and a few shared that they are looking after their grandchildren because there children have left them with them.  It is a hard life they have with no family to help to take care of them.  But you would never know it when you are with them as they are always happy and were so glad that I would take the time to be with them.  I think it was me that was more blessed by being there.  I have attached some pictures of all these visits.

This week the rains finally came.  Everyone is in good spirits as they are able to start planting their gardens and fields.  So this means the weather is a little cooler and damp but not to complain as the rain is needed.  For the most part so far if rain is going to come on any given day it comes in the later afternoon or evening.  So you have most of the day without rain.

The kids at PACE were also done school this week and are going home for a three week break.  They will return on May 2.  They are all very happy for the break.

It has been a great week and I look forward to what the next few weeks will bring.

Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6