I had a chance to spend time with Two High School girls that are currently on break from school. They live very close to where I am staying. On Tuesday we walked to town. It was about a 50 min. walk. The way there went very well. We had good conversation and they had questions for me about Canada. When we got to town we made a few stops. They wanted to show me a few things in town including were they make coffins. Which is a shop on the street and they are out on display. Very odd for me but not for them. Then we went down town to get some fruits. I got some for us and then told them to get some for their family. Then we went for something to eat and drink. We made one more stop at the store to get some ingredient for chapatti which is like flat bread here. It is very good. Then we started the trek home. The walk home was a little harder for me anyway. The sun was getting hot and well I am lazy. Once we got back to their house the Mom was not home so they went to get her. They insisted on making me a fried egg and some hot chocolate. You don’t go visit without them giving you something. It is hard to take but it would be more rude to turn it down. Since I am not able to have milk in my tea like they do I got the hot chocolate. They asked if I wanted sugar in it and I said no. They just could not believe it. They put sugar in any hot drink and a lot of it. I told them that there was already sugar in it but they still could not believe that I would have it without. After being there for a while I head back to the house. It was a good day and felt very blessed to be able to spend the time with them. I am looking forward to spending more time with over the next two weeks while they are off.
I also had a chance with the girls to make Chapatti. It is like a flat bread and very easy to make. So I went over to their house to help them make some. It was a lot of fun. They were very impressed on what I was making. I think they were more impressed that a white person could make them. It was good to be with them again. They have one more week off before they head back to school so I am hoping to have more time with them again next week. The one thing that is odd for me here is that you can sit in a room with a Kenyan and say nothing for hours. This is okay and comfortable for them. After making the Chapatti we sat for some tea (I had hot chocolate) and said nothing. 5 minutes seems like a long time. One thing that is hard for me to get used to but I keep telling myself that just being with them is all they ask and that is easy when I try and remember that.
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